Domestic Abuse is defined as any incident or pattern of incidents that can include:
- controlling behaviour
- coercive control
- threatening behaviour
- physical abuse
- psychological abuse
- emotional abuse
- sexual abuse
- financial abuse
- stalking
- isolation
Domestic abuse can be between those who are or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. There may be a pattern of one or a few of these behaviours and you do not have to live with the person for this definition to apply to their behaviour.
Definition of stalking: Police UK describe this could be someone you do or do not know; an ex-partner or a person you were friends with, or it might be a stranger. If it's someone you know, or knew, it doesn't mean that it's your fault; it's still stalking and it's an offence.
Stalking may include:
- regularly following someone
- repeatedly going uninvited to their home
- checking someone’s internet use, email or other electronic communication
- hanging around somewhere they know the person often visits
- interfering with their property
- watching or spying on someone
Definition of coercive control: Women's Aid describes coercive control as an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim. Coercive control creates invisible chains and a sense of fear that pervades all elements of a victim’s life. It works to limit their human rights by depriving them of their liberty and reducing their ability to act.