Recognising that your behaviour may be impacting others negatively is an important first step to changing it. 

You may find it useful to read about some of the behaviours that describe: 

If you do recognise some of these behaviours in yourself support is available: 

For students 

Wellbeing service -The University’s team of professional wellbeing advisors, practitioners and counsellors offers confidential support. This includes wellbeing chats. This can be accessed 24/7 via The Student Hub. Please call The Student Hub on +44(0)23 80599 599, email or speak to the team via the online chat.

The SUSU Advice Centre is a free, confidential, impartial service where an advisor can talk through the procedure, how to complain, what options are available and support you through the process. This support includes checking draft complaints and attending any meetings with the University. 

For staff 

Talk to your line manager, a staff member you can trust or a member of the HR team. Particularly if your work has been/is being affected.

Employee Assistance Programme - EAP is a confidential and independent support service for University staff. 

Occupational Health is a service offered either by the University’s internal occupational health nurse or in collaboration with the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. 

Trade unions - The University recognises three trade unions: UCU, UNISON and Unite. 

For students and staff 

Harassment Contacts are volunteers from a variety of roles on campus who can provide confidential advice on what you can do in response to bullying and harassment. Contacting them does not begin any formal procedure and does not commit you to any action. They provide informal, personal support and advice based on experience and knowledge of the options available. 

University of Southampton Mediation - The University's Mediation Service offers an alternative dispute resolution approach; it is confidential and can help resolve a disagreement or conflict, with a colleague in the work place or a fellow student. 

Faith and Reflection Centre - The Chaplains offer a listening ear, one step removed from the University, to people of all faiths and none.   

There are two ways you can tell us what happened