There are many commonly held myths and misconceptions around behaviours that you may be thinking of reporting. These myths can lead to an increased prevalence of issues, poor support for victims/survivors, and/or incorrect outcomes in formal reporting procedures. Here at Southampton we are committed to speaking up and challenging these myths and harmful narratives.

Myths on Hate Crime

Myth: Isn't hate crime is just another name for Racism?! It's all so confusing. 

Fact: Hate crimes are not just incidents of racial intolerance, but also include religious discrimination, homophobic and transphobic abuse, disability hate crime and more recently, crimes against older people.

Myth:  I did not think the incident was serious enough to report. They do it all the time. I just have to put up with it. 

Fact:  Nobody should have to put up with Hate Crime.  Although hate crimes seem to be on the rise, many hate crimes go unreported to the police.  The Police may be able to help avoid further incidents or crimes and there is other support available to you.  If you think you or someone you know has been the victim of hate crime there are a variety of support options available to both students and staff.  You can find more information on our what support is available page. 

Myth:  English is not my first language so I cannot report what has happened to me.

Fact: You can report an incident of hate crime even if English is not your first language.  We will support you to understand every step of the way. If you decide to report to police they may give you information in writing, in an Easy Read format or use a translator / interpreter to help. 

Myth: It happens too often to report each one.

Fact: Each and every hate incident and hate crime is one too many. The police want to hear every time someone is victimised. Each offence will be logged and will receive a police response. If you think you or someone you know has been the victim of hate crime there are a variety of support options available to both students and staff.  You can find more information on our what support is available page. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened